Trip Report

15 US citizens, 12 Honduras citizens…4 villages, 4 days, 1700+ patients.

Over 200 dental extractions, 10,000 pharmaceutical units disbursed.

Sharing our faith, giving hope, loving God and His people.

That’s what last week was.

First, thanks to all our workers…doctors, nurses, interpreters, pharmacist, techs, dentists and the village leaders…thanks for your willingness to serve at your own cost, your compassion, your smiles and you endless energy.  Thanks to our donors who help make it possible.

We arrived at Casa Blanca around 2 p.m. Tuesday Feb. 27 and immediately began organizing our meds and supplies.  In addition, we had to make meetings with people from Olivos and Hospital Progreso.  Needless to say it was a busy afternoon and dinner at the hotel came late.  Over the next four days we held clinics in Finca Ocho, Monterrey (Norte), Pastos Verdes and Bella Vista.

Monterrey was by far the busiest…about 700 patients in that village alone.  It was our first time to serve there and they say they’ve never received that kind of clinic there…ever.  So we were really busy all day, finishing in the early evening and driving the dirt roads back to Progreso in the dark…exhausted but happy.  This was a community that had a lot of medical issues: kidney failure, diabetes, hypertension, skin problems, parasites, 86 teeth extractions, wounds, etc., etc., etc.  But they were awesome, kind and appreciative people and their leaders did a great job of handling the crowds that wrapped the building most of the day.  We will go back there in the fall…they need help.

Good news in the other three villages…after repeated visits over the past 18 to 24 months the level of health has increased to the point that we can now put them on an annual rotation vs. semi-annual.  That means we can reach more new villages next trip!  The theory we had some years ago is proving itself true.

Follow-ups are always a part of our post clinic protocol and we have several that are critical…a foot amputation, cardiac surgery, kidney transplant, weekly care of a neuropathic heel ulceration, eye exams, imaging and much more.  Lola is already lining these up and Steve, Jim and Kevin are viewing results.

That’s a summary.  Everybody on the trip could tell stories for hours but that’s enough from me for now.  Keep watching this site.  Some very big announcements are coming soon!


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